Sunday, May 4, 2014


Something told me to drive on out to the Holston River past the eagle nest just to assure things were normal.  As I approached the nest I saw the second baby eagle standing beside it's sibling.  Whew!  What a relief!  That little guy must really like to stay in the bottom of the nest for days on end as I haven't seen him for over a month.  What a relief to know he's alright.  He quickly pulled his disappearing routine when I stopped the truck.  I could just see parts of him showing from behind the thick trunk of the tree.  Ovals encircle the parts of him that show.
I was going to call him a little scamp but he's not really that little.  You can see how thick his wing appears within the lower oval.  I think he's larger than the prominent eaglet.  
I'll just throw a few shots up here that I took tonight.  I worry about them, especially since the property has been sold that their tree and nest are on.  

I'm really tired tonight for some reason so I'll just stop this here.  The babies are safe and well as are their parents.  Now, if only the human aspect in all this will cooperate and stay away.

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