Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I have to admit that it's been difficult to live up to the name of this blog, "Gary's Outdoor Wanderings2", this year as I haven't been on any water that is conducive to consistent wildlife pictures but I've been discovering something about myself that I guess I've overlooked for all these years.  I'm having a blast planting stuff.  I find it very relaxing and satisfying to plant flowering and hedge plants in particular as well as an occasional rose or two.  This morning, as I sat in my rocker on the porch and watched the sun rise, I noticed some blooms starting to appear where they weren't yesterday.  They were roses and another flower that I can't recall the name of.  Yesterday these plants were green.  Look at them now.

Aren't these gorgeous?   What a nice way to start a day.  Watch the sun come up while sitting in a rocker (that Tom bought me), hand on Shade's head and sipping a hot coffee out of an enormous half gallon travel mug as the sun rapidly appears and shows these beautiful blooms off.  

The cat and hound are lawn ornaments.

Flowers are important to personal survival, believe me.  A beautiful flower will lift the spirits of the most down trodden individual to the point of making the reason for sorrow minuscule.
I had two days off this weekend but a kid's fishing derby in Alcoa, TN requires my presence on Saturday, so a camp out on Calderwood  Lake won't happen this weekend.  It will happen within the next 5 days guaranteed.  Shade and I will be doing an overnight on Calderwood before next weekend for sure. 
 His parents and sister were gone and he was alone and shrieking loudly and continually, his loneliness obvious. I was saddened to see him abandoned and alone without family support of any kind.
 Not to worry.  His sister has taken her first flight and is near with a parent.  The two of them will return before long and enter the nesting area again.  The mother is probably doing serious hunting to feed the group.  Dad probably is giving flight lessons to little sister.  Junior will get his chance as soon as he finds the courage to jump off into space.
 But, for now his cries are sad sounding and they touch the human heart only because we humans have lost the ability to live on the edge and understand what it means to be really wild and one with nature and all her dangers and her sometimes inconsiderate ways of dealing with her citizens bordering on the savage.  His life is fragile until he learns to navigate the skies, and he surely will soon.

 Isn't he gorgeous?  He will soon join the rest of royalty and be a prince of the skies.
 From the majestic, powerful eagle to the meek and withdrawn white tail deer - nature is fascinating.

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