Sunday, June 15, 2014


gary’s outdoor wanderings2
The professionals at the the boat repair shop tell me to run the engine at red line for ten minutes at least once a month.  Today is the day.
Trumpet Creeper
Today was a Douglas Lake day and the bay was full of pleasure boats.  Overloaded pontoon boats, ski boats, jet skies, wave runners and huge 40 foot skiffs dragging kids on inner-tubes across the water at breakneck speed.
I made a pass around my area as best I could and only talked to one fisherman.  I was getting frustrated and a bit angry at this absolute nonsense on the water.
 Above:  Mimosa blooms

Above:  Mimosa Blooms

Its very pretty at the back of Heron Cove.  The green herons ran from the sound of the big engine and the enormous white boat.  I switched off the power for a rest from the hosteling I took out on the bay area from all the boat traffic.  I noticed a water snake making his way across the the water from the opposite shoreline.

 He is a "Northern Water Snake" 
 He's full grown according to the field guide I have.

 I've always liked all snakes both poisonous and non poisonous.  Just respect the poisonous ones and appreciate the non poisonous ones.  They all are very beneficial.

 It might be noteworthy to mention that it is illegal to kill "any" snake in the state of Tennessee.

 Yes, these are wild.

 This is a dragon fly - not a damsel fly.  There are major differences in the two.
 By the way - this was a long shot that took some doing from a bouncing boat.  Whew!
And last but not least, or maybe least and last - not sure how that works, is my new bird bath being enjoyed by a robin.  He was having a blast in it.
 He was having a blast!

 He splashed around for a good ten minutes.
 I'm really glad I got that bird bath because, where would they go if I didn't provide that water for them.  There isn't any water near by that I know of.  This place is like a resort for them now.
That's it for today.  We'll be on the river tomorrow, or I plan to be.  I never know for sure.

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