Monday, July 14, 2014


The tiny Gheenoe was really taking a pounding on the Holston River today as the winds blew hard enough to change the direction of the surface water on the river.  It would be impossible to hold the boat steady at all if an important camera shot presented itself.  I had to crank in all the shutter speed possible and even settle for shaded pictures that I could lighten in the computer.  I hate to do that but my only hope of clear, crisp shots was fast, stop motion shutter speed.
The wind came and went, mostly came and the bow slammed onto the water constantly creating a spray that wet the boat's deck.  

 And, he appeared at the worse moment and at the worse place.  Holding that big 500 mm lens on that bird while the Gheenoe rocked wildly beneath my feet was almost impossible.

 He was magnificent!  Bold and courageous and dynamic! 

I was pressing the shutter when the boat would drop after a wave lifted it.  

 There's a bit of blur but what the heck.  I like the shot.

Check out the shot below.  I was shooting cardinal flowers when, well, look for yourself.
Ya just never know.  Look closely to the right of the flowers.
There ya have it.  That's all I got.  Have a great night.

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