Sunday, August 31, 2014


Saw this notice at the boat ramp - sad news.
Early morning yesterday was beautiful with perfect light creating views not seen previously.  The sun on the water and surrounding green at the end of the Indian Cave Road was spectacular!
 I didn't mind waiting in the parking lot this morning for fishermen to appear.  The early morning was all about soft light and fantastic colors.

The intricate designs of a simple spider web indicate that it really isn't that simple at all.
Old things are important on mornings such as this.
Everything is morning fresh and the critters slowly materialize to start their day.  Its slow this morning - just slow.

 Below:  he almost looks like a stick out there.

 I call the next photo "Death of a Forest".  It is kudzu and it runs rampant in Tennessee gobbling up miles and miles of forest with its perfectly tight canopy that blocks out all sun.  It grow unrestrained and is a beautiful death for all beneath.

Should I cross or not?
 Appears to be safe enough.
 I'll be across here before anyone knows.
 Well, better pick it up a bit.
 Ah, that's better.  The woods is just ahead.

Its OK Ethel.  Come on and cross the road.
 There is a guy in a truck looking at me.
 I better get on across here.  I can hear a lot of clicking from that truck.  Camera.  Oh no!
 Gotta run, gotta run, gotta run!
I was on Douglas Lake the day before and snapped a few shots down there.  Nothing spectacular ever happens on Douglas but I did get a couple nice pics.
 He's a leopard frog and the first frog I have ever seen on the shoreline of a lake in Tennessee
Below is the flood plain at Rankin Bottoms.  This area is normally covered by five feet of river but is high and dry now due to the lowering of the lake in preparation for winter and spring.
 I stopped at the flood plain and noticed these old tracks.  They are huge and I laid a dime in one to judge the size of them.  If that's a dog, its an enormous one.  Almost looks like a bear track.

 And yes, I'm still playing with the white balance adjustments for the great egret.  I'm getting it I think.

 Fall (Autumn) is definitely coming on fast.

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