Sunday, August 10, 2014


I haven't posted anything for a few days because I've been busy planting trees, shrubs and flowers on the property.  I'm creating a total getaway complete with privacy fence and its gonna be fantastic. 

 I've captured some really incredible photos over the past couple days from believe it or not, Douglas Lake. The eagles are from the upper lake and the otters are from, well, I'm not saying.   These two animals are my favorites and I'm giddy creating this blog post.  There are many, many photos of the otters and a good many eagle pictures.  I can't decide which to post so I'm posting many.  If you become tired of the scenery - just scroll down and let your eyes select the appropriate view.   The following shots are not every day occurrences.  They are rare and to be able to enjoy the company of such wondrous creatures is a privilege indeed.  I'll try to keep the comments to a minimum.  We'll start with the otters and the pictures are from today. 

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them swimming along the shoreline of Douglas Lake.  I've not seen otters on that lake in 12 years and yet, here they are.  The lake was empty of pleasure and fishing boats today as storms were predicted and I think this lack of boat activity enticed these critters to stay out late in the morning.  

 The pictures are similar but the characters change positions and take on different facial expressions from shot to shot.  Each picture is a bit different than the one before.  The shots are extraordinary and unusual.  That's why I posted so many.

The otter in the water is the lead honcho.  He is almost a large as an ocean seal and is the leader of the pack.  I'm guessing this is an otter family as the young ones are on the shoreline and they are considerably smaller critters.

They found the big white boat interesting but remained alert and ready for the expected human foul play.

Eventually the leader decided it was time to take to the water and swim the shoreline in search for food.  I was wishing I had my Gheenoe as it is silent  and I could have moved right  with them.  The big 22 foot bay boat is noise personified and I had to wait until they move away before following at a distance.  They moved at his signal and all entered the water and moved as a unit along the shoreline.

 They entered the water and undulated over the surface in the elegant fashion that is expected of a river otter.  In short - they are poetry in motion.

Below:  he's a big boy for sure!

 A couple youngsters were playing together when one caught a fish and brought it ashore to eat.

 What a privilege it has been to share the past half hour with these fantastic creatures.  I hope you found them interesting.  They are not often seen in the wilds and to be able to observe and enjoy them to the degree I have done so today is unprecedented.
I was on the upper reservoir yesterday which would be the French Broad river and I happened onto a pair of bald eagles.  I didn't know they were here so their presence took my by total surprise.  The usual photographic problems were on hand, namely too much back light.  Anyway, here they are. 

How magnificent!  I have been so fortunate to come onto these two very wild critters back to back in so short of time.

There are many more pictures I could post on this entry but I'll not bore the reader with them.  I hope you enjoy these fabulous creatures as they are precious and unusual to see.  Thanks for looking in. 

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