Friday, August 1, 2014


This year's Blue Ridge Parkway motorcycle ride was one of the best I have ever taken.  I ignored anything that caused me to rush and I made certain to collect some really great photos.  The slide show I made sort of moves along quickly and the photos are small files that result in less than crisp shots.  I thought I'd just throw some pictures up here that were on the slide show but deserve to have a better showing.   There will be some pictures from Douglas Lake and even from my home later on.   Most of the photos on this entry are unrelated but I felt they were worthy of posting.
I did say once that I like fences.

When I saw this wagon load of roses I had to pull off onto the side road and photograph it.  What an amazing sight!  Even the tractor is an heirloom.  And the manure spreader is historic also.   Someone put a lot of effort into this display.  It was just sitting beside the Blue Ridge Parkway in a field.


 The Blue Ridge Mountains are spectacular and timeless.  

 All these cabins and buildings are the real McCoy.  They have been preserved and/or resurrected from the past to allow folks to have a window into history and to discover what life used to be like when men were real men and women were real women.

The following shots are just pictures with no place to go.  They belong somewhere so I brought them to the site.   Thanks for your readership.  I appreciate it.
 Above:  Trumpet Creepers
 Is it fall?
 Above:  What a lonesome place!

 King Bird

Great Blue Heron.  He thinks I can't see him.

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