Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I have a camera that is giving up the ghost and have run into an eagle photo opportunity today that doesn't come along in a lifetime of roaming the wilds.  What a combination!
I was cruising down Douglas Lake this morning when I started to run into bald eagles.  Yes, I said eagles - plural.  There was one eagle youngster that was located perfectly in a tree with the light "almost" just right for great pictures.  He was located deep inside some foliage which provided a sort of dark environment and made the finished pictures intriguing to say the least.  Here they are.  I think these are some of the finest "immature" bald eagle pictures I've ever taken.   The shots are similar with the slightest changes in facial expression and posture.

I'm guessing this fellow to be about two years old.  He is coloring out nicely and should have a white head and tail feathers in another two years.  What a majestic bird he is becoming!

You are looking at one of the freest spirits on the planet.  This guy will find a mate and stay with her for his entire life and only move on if she meets an untimely fate and she will do the same if he pulls the death card.  These particular shots are a real privilege as this bird alighted in a tree pretty much horizontal with my position on the boat making it appear that I'm on the same plain with him...

 And he's away!

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