Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I want to remind everyone who reads this that I am trying to care for a beautiful dog that needs a home badly.  Its a tough situation in that I can't afford to do this forever as I have three of my own and three more I am trying to place.  There will be a point in time when I'll have no choice but to look at rescue places and that ain't good.  Please think about Blue, and anyway you can think of to help I'd appreciate your input.  He just wants somebody.  Thanks.

Its been slow around the tailrace of Cherokee Reservoir and Douglas has been inundated with dark brown, muddy, stained water which has kept the fishermen at bay for awhile.  It will all change when the weather stabilizes and the water clears.  I've sold the Gheenoe and am spending some time just visiting places along the Holston River that appear to offer some photographic possibilities.  This entails driving on some back roads - real back roads.
These roads often lead to pretty scenes comprised of meadow, mountain, river or lake.  Often times they end up dead ends.  Funny how there are no warnings about a road being dead end at the beginning of it.  These roads usually have more than their share of stray dogs along them too.  A shame!
Very early mornings provide silhouettes that are interesting and odd.  Many farms and estates down here in Tennessee have family grave yards that contain family members only.  I noticed the above site silhouetted against the early morning sky prior sun up.  It was very far away but the 500 mm lens brought it near.
 It seems that turkeys are present at every turn of the road and in every field.
I did get on the lake a couple days ago after a storm which cleared the sky of haze and provided soft early morning light.  There aren't many photo opportunities on the mud ditch but occasionally I can turn up a fair shot.
I cruised down the shoreline of Douglas Lake and noticed a black spot in a tree.  I suspected what it was.
 He was back lighted as usual due to the fact that I was under him pointing the camera up at the sky but that's OK.  I didn't recognize this fellow.  He's a first year baby but I'm not sure where he came from.  I know all the eagles in the area and this one is  a wonder.
 I was ready with the camera to capture his take off but nothing happened when I pressed the shutter button.  A second press on the button released the shutter.
The shutter button itself is worn out and is starting to be unreliable.  Its time for a new camera or at least a shutter button replacement.  That replacement would cost about $250.  I'm not sure what to do at this point.
And then I noticed the sign below:
 I mean - why would anyone want to live on top of a cliff made of sticky brown mud and rock.  The water is 150 feet below.  I guess that's considered lake front.   I'll never understand the thought process behind this.  Diversity is what makes the world go round I guess, and keeps the cities of Sevierville, Dandridge and Jefferson City in taxes.  Alright, I won't get started.
 I'd rather have the cozy little place below.
Think I'll take a motorcycle ride.  See ya later.  Thanks for looking in.

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