Friday, November 28, 2014


I have put these photos on Face Book and there are quite a few readers who do not read Face Book and do read this blog so I thought I had better include them up here.  I like to reserve the blog for entries that revolve around some outdoor story or undertaking I'm involved in and will again do so.  For the immediate future, without a boat to seek out wildlife on my own time I'll just have to upload pictures to both places.  The boat issue will be fixed first week of next month.  I appreciate your readership and don't want to let you down.  Thanks for being here.  

The following are more scenic pictures I took yesterday on upper Douglas Lake.  The lake is drained and the French Broad River that flows beneath the lake water can plainly be seen.  The last of the photos are of old things I like, miss and adore.  Hope you like the entry.

The shot below is nice but there is a power line and tower in it I didn't see when I took it.  The tower is out of the line of sight so I kept the photo

I told you I like old buildings as well as old stuff in general.

 The old wood has an elegant, hand made look to it unlike the polyester, mass produced stuff of today

This farmstead is filled with character and screams out rural life from an earlier American era.  It also has a haunting aura about it.  Can't put my finger on it yet but there is something about it that affects more than the eye.

 These old relics are great stuff!  Just simply great stuff!

 Above and below is the boat that Moses used to cross the Dead Sea.

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