Sunday, December 7, 2014


I am going crazy wanting to photograph wildlife.  The scenic stuff is wonderful but its wildlife that fires me up.  I got the boat back from Pennsylvania and have to do some basic maintenance on it before launching it on the river to chase bald eagles.  Won't be long.  In the meantime I'll continue to photograph odds and ends that catch my eye as I pass by.

A flock of cedar waxwings landed in a bush with red berries and were stripping the tiny berries from the stems.  I took advantage of the moment and photographed two of the closest ones while they gobbled the tasty fruit.

 I posted these same shots on Face Book so they might look familiar to some of you.  These birds are gorgeous and I hope you like the shots.  They are little gluttons too.


I notice there are a lot of birds coming to the feeders at home looking for sun flower seeds so I better get myself down to Tractor Supply and get stocked up.  Can't have my little feathered friends wanting over the cold months.
The red tail hawk above has been photographed previous to this entry.  As a matter of fact hes perched on the same power line today that he was when I photographed him a month ago.  The 70 - 300 mm lens is a bit light for wildlife photos.  Need the big dog 0 150 - 500 mm.  Ya!!!! Soon!!

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