Sunday, December 28, 2014


I'll be working again on Cherokee Lake for 2015 and today was the first day scheduled on the upper lake.  I left at sun up and started the drive to route 11 W north that leads to the Quarryville boat ramp.  The rain was falling non stop the whole way and there was no one in the parking lot when I got there.

I drove down some dirt, mud, roads that border the lake in that area to see if I could find an angler or two.  There were none out this morning.  The mountain side appeared ominous with the dense fog and dulled green coloration.  

I drove up the road to Caney Creek as that creek was on my schedule to check for the day.  Again as with Quarryville there were no anglers but some nice scenery appeared here and there.

 It is quite a change up here when compared to that stupid Jefferson City area where I have to live.  This area has a primitive flavor to it and the traffic is very low which is quite the opposite of Jefferson, backward City.

I drove over s really nice creek and paused to take a shot of one of the bridge supports.

 I was able to just catch the steeple of a church in the picture below. I really like that picture.

 The rain isn't going to quit - its apparent so I might as well call it a day and park this rig.  Tomorrow is another day and I'll be back up here again and hopefully on the river.  Maybe I'll see you all then.  Thanks for looking in.

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