Thursday, February 26, 2015


We are really getting bombarded with snow here in East Tennessee the likes of which have never been seen before, so I'm told.  Below are two shots of the now drained Douglas Lake at Leadvale, TN where the Leadvale boat ramp gives access to the river and reservoir.  The brown, gooey mud has been white for over a week.
Even a coat of pure white snow can't improve the face of this ugly duckling, empty lake much.  But its a blessing not to have to look at a sea of brown mud every day.
Complaining about Douglas Lake isn't why this blog entry is submitted, however, but its a shame that plastic surgery of some sort can't be applied to beautify the massive desolation. 

Yesterday morning was unique in that all the tree limbs had a layer of snow on them and the sky had an orange cast to it as the sun started to glow.  All that was surrounded by a layer of fog that appeared gentle to light in some places and heavy to dense in others.
The combination of all those parts, when applied to trees, presented an extravagant picture to the eye.  I don't presume to be competent enough to capture the essence of that beautiful morning accurately with a camera but, maybe I can get just a little bit close.  Anyway, the results of my attempt to photograph those gorgeous trees follows:

 These shots were taken in RAW format, which I rarely use due to complexity and and extremely large files.  I mostly take photos for my own enjoyment or documentation of an outing and RAW isn't really that big a deal.  That all being said - RAW format is a bit sharper and the shadows and highlights are more intense or accurate.  I don't know whether to use RAW routinely or not.  Its another step in developing the pictures as RAW is the negative for digital photography.  I'll sleep on it.

 I found myself standing in front of many of these scenes with my mouth open.  Its amazing how the outdoors changes with the addition of snow.  I wish I could get over to Cades Cove for a ten mile hike through that place and just take pictures of snowy landscape.  My old truck wouldn't make the trip in snow.  
I tried to soften the "white" of the snow and the browns of the trees.  Bright white against dark brown or black results in a harsh effect and I think it overpowers the beauty and uniqueness of the winter scene.  Just me sayen.....

 Note the soft brown texture and color of the trees with the gentle white snow reaching up the trunks from the ground.
 I looked at 4AM this morning and the porch and yard have about four to five inches of wet snow covering everything.  I drove the truck out the lane and left it almost at the end because it wouldn't pull the tiny hill just out from the house.  It probably was a futile effort to do that as I doubt that old two wheel drive truck will even move downhill from the spot it sits on.  I don't know why two wheel drive trucks are still produced.  Want to reduce traffic accidents and save lives?  Require all trucks to be 4 wheel drive and be done with the ridiculous, dangerous 2 wheel drive junk. Don't even make 2 wheel drive versions available.  It will save more lives and reduce more injuries  than seat belts.  Had to get at least one rant in for the day.  :)

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