Friday, June 19, 2015


It is a real treat to get on the water at Beech Creek and head downstream to the Holston River.  Every trip here is like putting chocolate on a vanilla ice cream cone. Douglas and Cherokee Lakes get old real fast since the hot days of Summer arrived.  The jet ski's and ski boats abound as well as countless pontoons, all of which churn the water to a constant wave machine from morning to night.  I don't see where the fun is in being in that environment.  But, I guess it satisfies a lot of folks and that's fine.
There were some mallard ducks that were lounging on a log and they appeared very funny as they went through their antics.
 The scene reminded me of some sort of military formation.

 Double Crested Cormorant

 Frightened Mallard ducks

I got a bit tired of the hot sun around 3:00 PM and pulled under a group of trees along the shore.

 This was a fantastic spot.  The tree limbs almost touched the water and the little boat slid tightly against the shoreline.  What a great place!
 I slid down onto the bottom of the boat and got out my Kindle and a bag of lemon drops and proceeded to read the rest of a novel that I started about a month ago.  I stayed parked here for over an hour.  So what!!!
I wanted to cruise downstream to see if I could find an eagle so off I went.  I cut the engine back so it ran almost silent ( 4 stroke Honda 20 horsepower) and low and behold, an eagle appeared.
 He was an immature and was down low to the ground
 I've watched the adult eagle pair on this mountain side for three years and they've produced six youngsters total in that time.
 I didn't see it coming.  The sibling flew in and blasted past the young eagle I was photographing.  So, there are both babies.  How great is that?  I didn't have time to adjust an appropriated shutter speed but I got em anyhow.
 I could never have gotten so close if I didn't have that 4 cycle engine.  Very quiet.....
 Look at that face.  Wow!  He is this spring's bird and has an entire life of adventure ahead of him.

 Hi mom.  
It has been hours since I passed the mallards on the log and they were still in the area when I went back to leave.  This time the whole gang was preening themselves.  Nature is fantastic.  We gotta learn to take care of it.

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