Thursday, October 29, 2015


The way to the farm
As many of you folks know, I am an inch away from owning a nearly 40 acre farm in Hawkins County.  Its so close its scary.  Today was a day off and I went up to the old farm this afternoon to look at the house roof that I need to paint very soon after my acquisition.  What I saw was amazing.  The colors of Fall appeared suddenly overnight and I almost couldn't take it all in.  What a beautiful place.  Just magnificent!  Could I, me, actually own this wonder?  Well, I'm days away from it.  Wow!  I took some pictures today and I became more excited with every click of the camera shutter.  I can not believe what is happening at this late point in my life.
 Parts of the meadows on the farm are divided into parcels.  Here are two individual sections that appear to be about 3 to 5 acres each, one gated.  Don't know why.  Don't care.  Its gorgeous.

What beauty!  And the far side of this little meadow field is bordered by a hard wood forest.

 Just around the corner of this narrow road and there she is
 This old antique barn has seen a lot of use over its life.  The front part is an add on and is falling in disrepair.  If you focus on the roof line behind the front add on you will see that it is square.  I intend to remove the front part and expose the original square and even pole barn.  Wow!
 Lots of meadow out there.  Yep.  Mine.  Hopefully....
There's a view of the barn from the house. 
Shade is making herself at home.  I think she likes it here.
 Another shot of the old barn from the yard.
I guess you can tell I like the old barn.  I am putting a 12X20 wooden barn in the meadow to keep the BMW bike, tools, lawn mower and just stuff.  I was going to put it beside the old barn but I think it would mess up the ambience of the place.  I'll have to put more thought into it.  

 A nice walk across the seven acres behind the house took Shade and I to this beautiful cold water creek.  I'm told it flows year round and is mostly spring water.   Shade loved it.  This could be a problem in the summer with her as far as mud goes.  Oh hell - who cares.  She can do what she wants here.
 Even the creek is beautiful.  Is this really happening to me?
 And look at the scene below.  it is the view slightly up and across the road.  Yep, its mine.
Its all mine.   Wow!
 Check it out!  I got to pinch myself.  Its not that I am vane.  Its that I never sought out an experience like this and to have it materialize before me out of the blue sky is amazing.  I am dazzled by it.  I'm going home to the farm I was raised on in Pennsylvania.  It's historical recession.  It's returning home.

 The scene below has a spring creek flowing down in the center of the picture.  Its hard to see but its there.  My property would go clear to the top of the mountain and through a hardwood stand of poplar trees with a few cedars.  There is a large poplar standing close to the creek and it is under this tree along the water that I will bury Douglas's ashes because this farm will be our final home.  It is a beautiful place that I can go to visit him some evenings and share feelings with him and tell him I wish he was here with me.  But, its a beautiful place.

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