Friday, April 22, 2016

Falls at Amis Mills, Rogersville, TN
I can't believe its been so long since I've put a post on the blog.  I almost forget how to do it.  For those who used to, and I hope still will, follow the blot - you can find many wildlife albums on my Face Book page under Gary Loucks.  I am going to upload pictures from the recent files and post them to this blog as rainy days occur.  I work best on rainy days.  That way I can hopefully bring this blog up to date. There will be photos here that do not exist on the Face Book so there should be enough difference between the two medias to keep it interesting.  So, here is my attempt to create a successful blog post after so long away, and I hope you enjoy the photos from the surrounding areas that I will incorporate into the post.  There is a lady friend who accompanied me on this outing and her name is Victoria.  Like me, she loves photography and I thought a visit to the Amis Mill and Eatery would be a nice way to spend a photographic afternoon.  Hope you enjoy the post.
This post will be concerned with a visit to the Amis Mill Eatery and Falls located near Rogersville, Tennessee.  I live not far from this beautiful, historical place and visit it often.  It is a first class historical property that all will love.  Oh, the food is sensational.
 I warn you - I adore old, historic buildings and structures that hold ties to a previous time.
Old windows are a view into the past.  (She rested the palms of both hands on the window sill and stared past the apple tree in the yard and on down the dirt road toward the highway, looking for him - her son - long gone to war 3 years ago.  Her palms have dulled the white paint where they have held her weight uncountable times as she has stood peering through the glass, hoping, waiting and praying to see his form walking along the dusty lane toward the house, and back to his mother's arms).
The flowers grow abundant in these mountains.  They actually cover entire mountain sides and grow far up through the brush to a point the eye can not follow.
An introduction is in order for the beautiful lady who is accompanying me today.  Her name is Victoria and the face and name are synonymous with the word beautiful.  She enjoys photography and it is a pleasure to spend this afternoon with her.  We will eventually reach the Amis Mill, but the journey in that direction is interesting and beautiful.
Beautiful!  Ah Hem....Back to the journey to Amis Mill.
 I absolutely love the look of old wood and the intricate architecture of yesteryear.
Compare the design above with the one below.  Love it!
It has to be obvious that I love wild flowers
A scene caught my eye while driving and I hit the brakes and backed up.  Check out this gorgeous, little horse.  Sweet as sugar.

 He is so, so beautiful. He is mystical.  He is a unicorn without the horn

  There's his eyes
Guess we better got on over to the Amis Mill
What a spectacular water fall!
 There are many ways to photograph moving water and I guess the approach one takes is dependent upon the mood he or she is in at the moment.  It can be made to look absolutely perfect as is or the moving water can be given a smoky appearance.  
I, personally, do not approach moving water with a predetermined method of photographing it.  I set the camera to the whims of my mind and take the shots.
Someone else was focusing on the water in her own way too.
 It all depends upon the peace of mind at the time.  Now, obviously if one is making a living with a camera, the approach is different.  I do this for me, and anyone else who may enjoy my endeavors.  And, thank you if you do.......I appreciate you.

 Above and below are shots out of the ordinary.  They aren't confronting the falls head on from the front.  I like to take a more subtle approach at times and think of ways to photograph a much photographed image or place with a different twist - and hopefully enhance the overall picture in a somewhat complimentary, artistic fashion.

I do so love the above picture.  What a beauty!


Is she having a good time?  Ya, she's having a good time.
The above pic is smoky and yet contains water texture.  Wish I could achieve that result any time I want.  Hard to be consistent with water flow.  At least it is for me.
Natural beauty abounds here at the Amis Mill.  Natural Beauty,  Yep!  Look at the intensity on that face!
We enjoyed a fantastic meal and packed up for a ride through the twisty, country and mountain roads of the area.  I drove to the mountainside where the wild flowers grow prolifically.  Big word.  

There is so much to see around these parts and the temptation is great to stop and stop.
Eventually we got to the wild flower mountain.  Someday I'll get a macro lens.  Just have to make do I guess.

 Found this little mushroom family tucked back inside a rotting tree trunk

 I got carried away with the butterfly on the blue flowers.  Sorry but I couldn't resist.

 Love, love to get multi colored flowers in the same shot.

 I'm havin fun!
Above:  What a pretty spot!   Below:  What a pretty spot!  :)
It was getting late and had to slowly move along.  I stopped at a couple places I have photographed before to give Victoria a chance to photograph them if she wished.  I love this front porch.  It hasn't changed since I moved here.

 Truck needs lowered and she's ready for the shows.  How bout it Tony?

 The lady's name in the above picture is Sharon.  I am so proud to know her and her husband Bill because they are the first people who welcomed me to Grassy Creek Valley and to the little church in a garage just down the road.  The result is that my life has been forever altered.  Alter-ed is the key word.
 The buro above has a cross on his back.  The arms of the cross extend down his shoulder both sides and the main stalk of the cross goes down his back.  They are a breed unto themselves.
And finally, above is a pretty lady who had a great time roaming the hills of Hawkins County with me.  Hated to say goodby.   

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