Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Watching the morning unfold while sitting on a boat on the water can be kin to a religious experience.  The sky sort of opens up space and the sun throws its morning beams down to touch the water and the mountains.
 As things slowly brighten up, the fabulous colors created by soft light and the reflective qualities of calm, quiet water take over and paint a sublime picture of calm and peace.
One's mind tries to slow down the process so that the eyes can take in "everything" that is unfolding before him.
And when morning finally breaks full, the wild creatures arise to start their daily routines

 Breakfast is the first and foremost thought in everyone's mind and they awake with eyes piercing the water hoping to find that one fish that didn't graduate from the academy - and there always is one.

My friend.  My partner.  The one I love

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