Friday, March 30, 2018


The isolated shorelines of Cherokee Lake, few that there are, can be a gathering place for a multitude of critters.  I turned the boat into a quiet cove that cut very deep into the mountainside and there I saw over 20 whitetail deer.   I slowed the boat down and started to take photographs.  It was only after the first three pictures that I noticed the wild turkeys intermingled with the deer.  The turkeys were meandering about at the feet of the deer.  When they heard my boat engine, they turned back downhill and took flight across the water to the opposite shore. 

 Look closely at the feet of the deer to see the turkey.
 There are quite a few birds in that flock.  Most of them ran and flew before I could react to their charge down the hill.

 And, there they go!
I couldn't get the shutter speed cranked up fast enough to stop action.  The shots turned out "OK" I guess. 

 This is what happened on the opposite shoreline where they flew to.
 This huge gobbler was waiting to engage in amorous activity with the hens.

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