Thursday, April 26, 2018


This island is home to one of the largest rookeries for the wading birds of Tennessee.  Represented here are great blue herons, great egrets, black-crowned night herons, little blue herons, green herons, double-crested cormorants and the occasional great white heron.  One imagines approaching a barnyard as the noises of the rookery's residences become louder and louder.  

 A great blue heron sleeps with his back facing the water, and the weather.  He stands on one foot, the other tucked up inside his wing.  The boat engine does not bother him in the least.
 Pure elegance is the only way to describe this great egret.  Note the night heron above and behind.  That is a bonus to the photograph.

 Black Crowned Night Herons.  They are here by the hundreds at this rookery

 Great Egret

 Night herons on the ground preparing to mate and breed.  These are two males, however, but the females are on the ground also

 Black Crowned Night Heron

 Bonapart's Gulls.  Black-headed Bonaparte are males in breeding plumage.

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