Sunday, July 29, 2018


I saw him standing there alone in the bog as I walked around the huge rotten tree stump that separated us. He was very tall and old too. His primary's were ruffled and some missing. He must have come a long way yet, he stood tall and straight; a proud representation of his species.

I said, "Old one, how do you fare today and why are you alone?"

He replied in a hoarse voice, "I've come here alone to think. I can not think when in the company of so many."

I asked, "what is it you are contemplating?"

And this is what he said:

I am confused where I fit in.
Are my kind not wanted anymore?
We're persecuted every turn,
Will we prevail if we endure?

What sacrifice do humans ask,
How many of us have to die,
To satisfy the urge to kill,
And rid us from the sky?

Are we so foul to look upon,
Repulsive in your sight?
We can not change our habits now,
And, we know not how to fight.

At your mercy, we remain,
Targets one and all.
We hope the urge to kill is short,
So few of us will fall.

We once were looked upon in awe,
Our wings across the sky.
Would warm the hearts of man and child
To see us soar on high.

Persecuted now we are;
On unholy soil, we stand.
What used to be our habitat
Will soon be bloody sand.

Sir, how many of us must you kill,
To satiate your lust?
How many must be sacrificed,
Til we regain your trust?

We cranes are but one link of chain,
That encircles life on earth.
I beg of you don't break that link
And falsify our birth.

Then he said; "What say you now, to that sir?"

I looked directly into his eyes and could not respond. With tears streaming down my cheek I lowered my head in shame. I felt the wind from his powerful wings fan across me as he disappeared into the sky. A miserable sense of loss came over me and I felt shame....

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