Wednesday, April 24, 2019


The resident pair of bald eagles on this section of the Holston River have given birth to yet two more babies, and here they are in this post.  I have now seen the resident adults produce 22 babies since I've been cruising that river and I wish them long life and happiness.  Both babies (immature s) are in this post and I'll point them out to you as male and female.  

 I am going to make an educated guess here and say this is the brother (male).  He is large but the second eagle is larger.  The females are always the larger of the two siblings.

I had no idea he was near at all. All of a sudden he and his sister blasted out of the trees in front of the boat .

 He did a fly by so close I could see his eyeballs looking at me.
 Below is his sister.  She is larger than the brother.  The photos are hard to look at and determine size difference.

 She came behind her brother and flew very close to my boat and turned slightly left prolonging her proximity to me.

 They flew up the shoreline and would dodge through large trees and then soar up to the tops of cliffs.  Back and forth from shore to shore they flew and it was apparent they were investigating their haunts and enjoying life.
 They perched in trees back from the water as I drove on down the river leaving them to their joy and folly.  We'll meet again soon.

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