Sunday, August 11, 2019


There have been folks watching the transition from a yard that funneled water directly under this old one hundred year old farm house to what you see here - an excavated yard with a water swale designed the entire length of the house to carry water away and into an adjoining field.  The swale is covered with an extension to the original porch and extends out from under the porch roof which allows natural sun and rain to reach the potted plants residing there.  Water that passes from the new extension falls into the swale beneath and is carried off on a graded, wide ditch filled with pond liner and gravel.  Please overlook the black piece of plastic pipe attached to the downspout and the garden hose on the walkway.  There are details that need addressed such as pressure washing the house front and installing some additional trees and plants.  Then the back porch will be addressed.  Its all halted right now as I have some bad shoulder pain from lifting huge rocks to build those enormous stone steps.  All will be fine.  Special thanks goes out to Aaron Lawson for his idea for this water swale to carry water away from the house, which lead to what you see here now.  And special thanks to a lady named Gayle Irwin for her expertise in the creations made of a blending of plants and flowers.  She is a wonderful Plantologist (my word) and I thank both of them for putting up with me during this effort.  I love the results.

The ugly black pipe and the garden hose are gone in the finished product.

This is one of my favorite porch pieces
Below is the other favorite porch creation.  Gayle Irwin Creation
Can't believe that I did the wheelbarrow creation.  ha.

Seedum.  This is one of the most fantastic plants!  I simply follows the contours of the ground and opjects and crawls right up over.  Love it.  Great ground cover.

Stone steps to the back yard from the walkway in front of the porch.


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