Thursday, December 21, 2006


I have learned to be more observant of things in my older years. Where once I would rush by things and barely see; I now stop to ponder them and worry over their form and function. There is much beauty in the smallest entities. Things taken for granted hold imeasurable beauty if one just slows the pace and takes time to look. Feel things, smell things, absorbe them and savor them. See their lines and textures. Wonder about them. Understand them. How many savage hands have held the weight of their bodies up against this old tree? How many conversations have been held while sitting under the protection of this trees' branches? How many camp fires, how many storms has this old tree survived? Look at its bark. Heavy textured, dark. Look at the diameter of it. Huge. See how the hard vines are attempting to strangle it. They have tried for a century and have failed. Yet they are tenacious and will continue the struggle till they finally win. And how many people have walked by this old monarch and took no notice at all?
It is an overcast day but mild in temperature. I see that Douglas's coat has become heavy and he appears more bulky than normal. His hair is thick and at times unruly but affords him great protection from the elements, which he mostly ignores. I'll have my job cut out for me when it comes time to curry out the old hair in the spring. I don't mind it, nor does he. He savor's it. I enjoy making him happy. What a great friend he has become to me! Always loyal, faithful and always just there for me when I feel low. His presence is wonderful.
I have always been facinated when I'm in the deep woods and come across an old fence that is clinging to existance by a thread. Nature has almost completely obliterated traces of it's beginning and it's end. There is always just a piece of the middle left. I particularly like it when the old boards are fastened together with square nails. That's old. What sort of enterprise could possibly have existed here. There are no open areas where fields may have been. This is all big timber. No house foundations or colapsed buildings of any kind. Just this old section of fence is here to spark the questions. Did someone try to scratch out a living in this forest only to find the rewards not worth the effort? How long ago? The rusted square tapered nails indicate an early time possibly mid 1860's. Wonder if a war brought its wrath upon this area and the squatters who built this fence decided to move to friendlier territory. How many Rebel or Union soldiers climbed over the boards of this fence while traversing this wooded ridge? What skermishes were fought here along this old fence? Things to ponder.
This view of Tellico Lake shows three silo's in the center. This was once a farm. It was flooded after Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) acquired the realestate from the land owner. This is only one such farm acquired through eminent domain. There are roadways and homes under the surface of the water. There is even a drive in theater out here that I drove my boat over one day. I found it when the waters were drawn down. Eminent Domain is a neat theory; huh?
There is nothing I enjoy more than to see Douglas running full out enjoying his freedom. His powerful legs reach out from his beautiful golden body and seem to lightly touch the ground. His speed is amazing. That power is transmitted to the ground by young muscles and powerful feet. He flies! He is so at home here! It is good to see my friend enjoy life.

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