Friday, December 29, 2006


I decided to launch the boat and check on the pair of eagles that I watched and reported on last year. I approached the nest as slowly and quietly as I could but the eagles were observing my approach and took flight. I did manage to capture this picture of an adult just before he lifted off. Last year I watched as the fledglings grew and moved about in the nest. However, I missed their departure from the nest. I will attempt to be more prudent this year and keep closer watch on happenings about the nest. Its a little iffy when one only has two days a week off. I will do my best. I am now using a better camera this year. My old Olympus gave up the ghost last month and I purchased a Canon S3 IS. The shot below was taken with 48 power digital and low density. All further photos of these eagles will be taken with 2816 x 2112 pixels. This is a heavy density setting and will provide clear shots. Keep your eye on the blog especially toward the end of January and late February. There should be some splendid photos of this eagle family.
The nest from last year is in really great shape and is being reinforced by the eagles even now in December. They should start serious work on courtship sometime late Jan or Feb.
Here is a closer view of the nest. The adult eagles are now carrying large sticks (limbs) to this nest and making repairs to the area around the top edge. It evidently has been damaged by wind since last year.

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