Thursday, June 12, 2008


Today is the first really good boat ride I have had in the Gheenoe. I have been changing this and altering that and finally got everything pretty much as I want it. I still have to extend the trailer tongue two feet but that can wait. Today this boat ride is a quality ride. I'm breaking in the engine and running slow, medium and full out as my feelings dictate. It is 4:50PM and the sun is still hot but a very gentle breeze is present, at times. I have brought Douglas and little Happy along. I picked Happy because she is small and she obeys my commands. I almost lost touch with the serenity and solitude that accompanies my time on the water. It's been many months since I sold the big boat. I look for hazards in the water and scan the banks, trees and logs that project out from the shoreline for wildlife. But most of all I am sharing quality time with my pals. It's quiet and the boat is pulled up on a sandy bank hidden by trees. This would be a wonderful camping spot. Everything is perfect. (It's in the GPS now) There is thunder in the distance to the West and the sky is turning black and purple in that direction. That would be over toward the Smokey Mountains. This lake is no place to be caught in the open by a vicious storm. If I were camped here and the boat secured, I would welcome a good storm. There is nothing better when camped! But I'm not camped so I better round up the kid's and move the steam liner toward the dock. What good is a Tennessee lake without a Mimosa Tree? This beach will prove to be a great camping location for an overnighter.. We found a great spot to beach the boat and walk. This would be a super camping spot. I marked it on the GPS. Very well hidden..... This is Happy's first ride in the Gheenoe. It's a bit cramped but she can fit anywhere. Douglas, on the other hand, seems to always have to be located in the very tip of the boat. That's where the trolling motor is. I wish I could figure a way to locate the motor to the side more or maybe have a quick detach mechanism where I could remove and put it back on board at will. I'll work on it. I elected to take Happy with us today. She is small and takes up little room. And she listens... He is such a good, good boy. I'm glad I can add this experience to his life. He is an exceptional friend. I'm really glad he lets me come with him. Douglas is happy again. He's back on a boat. He could care less if it were a raft. No place to be caught in a big storm Heading Home

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