Saturday, June 21, 2008


My friend, Bob, and I rode the motorcycles over the Great Smoky Mountain National Park road and onto the Blue Ridge Parkway on Saturday and overnight to Sunday. I can only describe this ride as wonderful. I left Greenback just before sun up in order to miss the masses of tourists that cruise the park each day. I met Bob at the visitors center on the Gatlinburg side of the park. Even at that early hour we still had to deal with tourists. The weekend is not the best time to drive in the mountains of East Tennessee. Tourists! They literally jamb the roads everywhere. As we gained altitude on the Blue Ridge we began to see rhododendron. The mountainsides were carpeted with them. The Blue Ridge Parkway is the most magnificent motor road in this country, in my estimation. When nature decides to paint her canvas with flowers, she selects the most prime areas. And the parkway is one of them. After driving higher and higher we came finally to the Brevard exit. A short run down that road brought us to our destination; The Blue Ridge Campground. It is motorcycles only and the best I have ever stayed at. They offer miniature cabins as well as tent sites. The place is wonderful. Early Sunday morning was spent winding down a snaky road through the Pisgah National Forest and on to Cherokee and over the park road to home. It was a fantastic weekend. Click pics for enlargement..... Mama Gotta Hurry! Come on Ma. Hurry!

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