Friday, September 5, 2008


The Blue Ridge Parkway photos are below this blog entry. But the drive to get to Waynsboro, Virginia had a lot of interesting turns. The following are some of the high lites of the trip through West Virginia and Maryland on the way to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Located near Deep Creek in Maryland is the smallest church I have ever seen. I was amazed at it's size. See for yourself. After leaving the little church we rode down 219 South to Seneca Rocks, West Virginia. People come from all over the world to climb these challenging rock faces. West Virginia is truly almost heaven. But the Blue Ridge Parkway runs through heaven. I love old buildings. The South is full of them. They don't tear things apart down South. They seem to hold on to the past as long as possible. Old buildings have character. If only they could talk. Anytime a motorcycle is running on mountain roads; it is probable that deer will be in the vicinity. Extreme caution must be exercised near deer. Their ancient brains can not judge modern speed and they can become a hazard. The scenery through West Virginia is country in flavor and spectacular to the eye. The rest of the story is in the following blog entry. I hope you enjoy it...

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