Monday, September 8, 2008


Woke up this morning with the urge to take the Gheenoe out. Douglas was all for it so off we went. I wanted to put in at Chilhowee Lake but forgot that Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was draining it to repair the dam. We back tracked to Talasi which is back the way we came about five miles. Talasi is the original name of a principal Cherokee town dating back to the sixteen hundreds. Yep; the settlers burned it as they did to all the rest of the Cherokee towns. What the settlers didn't burn, Andrew Jackson did. I never went among the stump infested water that courses around islands in that end of Tellico. Guess I never had a boat that would run in that shallow water. Many of the stumps were just inches below the surface. They could spell disaster to a deep running boat. It was fun. Note the calmness Douglas shows on the nose of the Gheenoe. Nothing excites him. Not the slightest bit concerned. Here's the movie. Hope you don't find it boring.

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