Saturday, July 13, 2013


Dog Joy
What do ya think Shade – wanna go to the woods?
Hey Hap – wanna go swimming?
They were overdue to get some exercise so I took them up to the work center.  The stream coming out of the fish hatchery is very cold, clean and would offer some relief for them from this hot weather we suddenly received.  At least it isn't pouring rain.
Ah – it doesn’t get any better than this.  Shade is in her element. She’s my beautiful dark angel.
Little Chestnut has become quite the water dog too.  She loves to splash in the water and run up and down the stream.  I wish I could get them out more than I do.
I really feel good bringing them here because of the quality of the water.  Its very, very cold and clean.  The other nice feature is that there is no garbage anywhere.  Everything is pristine because the stream services the fish hatchery on the  TWRA property.  We are on the outflow of that hatchery.
Shade loves to just sit down in the icy water.  I've even seen her roll around in shallow, cold water – among other things.
This is just a quick little entry to fill in the gaps between high adventure on the water.  SmileI hope the movie works out.  They are really hard to post on the blog.  Always click on the U Tube block on the movie square to see if it will play better on U Tube.  All the pups say thanks for caring about them.


  1. Indeed they are happy and super lucky to have such a refreshing place to go in the heat of the summer. Most of all they are lucky to you Gary. Anne

  2. Love seeing the dogs enjoying themselves:)

    Yet again blogger didn't tell me you had updated your blog:( Can't understand why, as all the other blogs I follow come through ok.

    1. My goodness I don't know how to fix that. There is no way for me to turn that on or off. I can't imagine why the notification stopped. I'll have to search around the blog forum to see if I can find a solution. Can't call a human to ask. Everything is "search the forum." Thanks for your loyalty.

  3. Cool post,love to watch them romp. Watched the video LMAO

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Loved that as much as they did!! well almost could feel that cool clean water what fun!! Thanks again


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