Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Flower update.  The clematis is going nuts and has climbed most of the drift wood I placed in the yard.  The tips of the tiny vines are moving back and forth looking for more stuff to climb on.  I'll have an enormous wood pile in the yard if this goes on.  I love it.  The climbing roses are somewhat of a pain because they seem to be acting like the bean stalk that Jack climbed.  I'm not sure what to do about them.  If they continue to grow upward, the stalks will break with the weight of the huge blooms at the top and the wind will also have a negative affect.  I guess I'll have to go get more drift wood.  It's fun though.

Clematis isn't real impressive when viewed as a whole, but when I focus on the individual sections of vines - it becomes beautiful.  The plant appears to have a mind of it's own as it selects little irregularities in the wood where it can get a hold and clings tenaciously to that spot while it shoots up new vines that grasp the wood tightly as the vine pushes and pulls itself upward and outward.


  1. What I wouldn't give to have your yard. So lush and beautiful. Anne

  2. Hope Shade didn't get stung. I do everything I can to keep bees alive as the numbers are dropping here.

    Loving your Clematis.

  3. That driftwood lends a nice touch to the planting.Dogs and grasshoppers are another hoot

  4. Hi Gary, Hope things are well with you all. Falcor and I were just watching the blog where you were talking about forgetting your Binoculars and I swear he remembers your voice, Each time you leave a talking video talking to the dogs and such his ears perk up. Makes me a bit sad.. I tell him Gary loved you enough to let me love you too.... K


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