Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Yep - back in the rock pit.  I can't hug the shoreline where there is some semblance of calm because of the hidden rocks just beneath the surface and the boat is getting beat apart while travelling further out in the bay.  It's a losing proposition.  Only on the Devil's Bathtub!
A mud berm is an edge, or berm, of concrete that runs alongside the ramp and extends out into the water.  It's purpose is to hold mud away from settling onto the ramp under the surface.  When the water is drawn down, the berm becomes an issue as it's too shallow for boat propellers to pass over it.  So, by the time I unwrapped the bow line from the dock cleat and was able to run back to the controls;  the boat was pushed back toward the shoreline by the heavy, wind blown water.  Normally it would still be in deep enough water.  But, when I put things in gear the prop nailed that underwater berm.  When I came back to the dock later I noticed the prop was slightly bent.  Out came the hammer and a quick repair was made.  Good ole Cherokee.
I didn't get up the rolling lake very far before I noticed a deer out on the gorgeous, lush green landscape.

Ever wonder what a white tail would look like on the lunar surface?

Ah - there appears to be two lunar deer.  They look so happy enjoying all the sweet grass in their habitat.  How lucky they are to live here!

She seems to be thinking, "where am I?"

 "Where do I go from here?"

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