Thursday, November 21, 2013


Things were very slow on the river, wildlife wise today.  Just one of those days I guess. I photographed a group of mallards that were positioned on the water in such a way that I thought I could capture them dynamically.  The light was bright enough that I could use exceptional shutter speeds and that means sharp images and stop motion.  It also would be the ultimate test of the 400 mm telephoto lens for sharpness.  This is open water and I could use the full brightness of the sun.  Shoreline shots are another issue altogether.  Anyway, here's the few pictures I took.
 The colors turned out sensational and the sharpness is as good as it gets.
The stop motion is perfect.  I can't expect any better.  I wish these birds were bald eagles though.  Eagles rarely appear in such perfect photographic situations.  Sometimes they do but, not very often.
 The bird above and those below almost appear 3 dimensional. That's as good as it can get.
The shot below is a distant shot and is not as impressive as the ones above but, not to shabby.
Thought I'd throw a squirrel or two in here to add diversity.
 As mentioned previously - shoreline shots are a lot different as the light is diffused and reflected by the overhanging tree limbs and is evident in the shots above and below.  
I was cruising along the shoreline when I saw a mink running along the edge of the grass just above the water.  He obviously saw the white boat and was disturbed by the loud engine.  Mink are very, very cautious and will not tolerate any disturbance whatsoever.  I couldn't get the camera out in time.  He jumped off the bank onto a deserted beaver lodge and disappeared into the sticks that covered the lodge.  I killed the engine and held the boat in place with the electric trolling motor.  I noticed a stick moving and his little snout poked through and his entire face appeared  for only a moment.  I moved for the camera and he caught my action and pulled back deep into the lodge.  Now, at least, I know where he lives.  I'll return with the Gheenoe and wedge that boat against some snags in the water and wait him out.  That's all I can do.  I really want his picture.  He was coal shiny black and his fur was fluffed up making him look like a hand muff.  I'll get him.

That's it for today.  Not much, I know.  I'm back on the river tomorrow and I got a feeling I'll get some photos.  See ya.

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