Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I know its hard to see it but that's a beaver in the above shot proving they are indeed well established on this tail-race.  The fellow above is clear across the river on a well wooded shoreline that is not privy to invasion by humans.  He may just live a decent life if he keeps a low profile.
I passed this pretty girl on the way to the Leadvale boat ramp today.  She's sleeping, believe it or not.  Sure is a pretty thing.
I notice all sorts of things in my travels and not necessarily all wild things.
 I just couldn't pass these two guys up.  Look at their size!  Wow!  I like chickens and would get maybe four of them if I thought the dogs would leave them alone.

And again, below, all a man needs to face the turmoils and challenges of life:
I'm off tomorrow and may take the Gheenoe and Shade over to Chilhowee Lake and the old Scona Lodge site for a hike about.  It's been a long time since we've visited over there.  Off again on April 2nd and 3rd and if the weather is warm I think a lake camp out is in order.  We'll see how it all works out.

I heard from the place where I sent the 500 mm lens and they are sending me back the repair fee and sending the lens to the manufacturer, again, for repair at no charge.  Bet that's gonna work out well.  A few more days and nights of winter and Tennessee should be out of the winter blues and into the summer smiles and it can't come too soon.

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