Monday, March 24, 2014


It looks like Spring but the temperature is dropping to some unthinkable degree down toward the bottom of the thermometer tonight and only getting up to 40 degrees tomorrow.  The company I ordered my native grasses from isn't shipping until March 30 which upset me at first but now I'm very glad they are holding back the shipment.

Northern Mockingbird

I noticed that the great egrets are migrating back to the lakes as I noted them today on the tail-waters of Cherokee Lake.   I'm very happy to see them as they brighten up the muddy shorelines of this waterway.

Of course I had to swing by and check on the eagles.  The mother eagle is sitting on some sort of ledge just inside the nest as a good portion of her can now be seen.  I'd love to have a look inside that nest up close.

I really miss my 500 mm lens every time I stop at this nest site.  That extra 100 millimeters would bring that eagle right into my lap.  The 400 mm isn't that bad but it isn't as good as.  I'm really upset that the repair company sent the lens back to me in the same disrepair condition as when I sent it to them.  That concerns me.  It's back in their "capable" hands again with a diplomatic note from me explaining my disillusionment relating to their inability to fix my lens.  We'll see what happens.
I ran across an odd looking duck today.  It isn't a Muscovy but appears that some little girl held what ever it is down and drew lines on its face with a tube of lipstick.  What are we doing to the wild critters?  It was a long camera shot and the pic isn't that good but you can see the thick red lines on the face.
And some good old friends are returning to these waters.  Below...The double crested cormorants are back from wherever it is they went over winter.  I didn't think I would miss them so much.

Check out this old building.  I assume it was once a house.  It is built using the tree as part of the structure to give it strength.  This is good old southern innovation - I think, or it could be the builder just ran out of wood at that corner.  Or, maybe the trees just started growing up through the roof at some point in time.
 This is all a man needs.  Basic shelter.

I like mockingbirds

I guess this is enough for tonight.  Its 7:30PM and I got to get my rest you know.  I took Shade to the vet today to have the stitches removed and she got the ok to resume life from the doc.  We blasted out of that place and went straight to the nearest boat ramp so she could jump in.  Point is that she's fine and back to normal, thank heaven!  And now---------------------------
I'm out-a here!!

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