Friday, September 19, 2014


Canon 50D with Sigma 120-400mm IS Telephoto Lens

I thought I'd post some "just interest" shots simply because I've not been to anyplace really special and new lately.  Douglas and Cherokee Lakes as well as the tail race of Cherokee Lake are not what one would call a trip up the Amazon where amazing, unbelievable, natural sights are preserved and await the camera.  So, here are the last couple days of my meanderings in photos:  Oh, the egrets were on the French Broad River in good numbers and I grabbed some shots of them as it won't be long until they move on for the winter.

 The following shot is a bit unique:
Below is what appears to be 3D.  Its in the focus:

 The egret below appears to be part of the tree.
The immature bald eagle shown below passed overhead and I thought I'd try to get him.  I did but just barely.
 He appears to be maybe three and a half to four years old judging by the color of his head.  The white on his tail feathers seems to be slow to appear though.

The pictures above were all taken on the French Broad River above Douglas Reservoir.  The water level is dropping drastically on the river and the flood plain is drying out which will allow one to walk in relative comfort without worrying about mud.  The river itself is becoming hazardous for boat travel.  Photographs that follow were taken on Muddy Creek, Douglas Dam earlier in the week.  
 Sunrises in Tennessee are spectacular no matter where you stand.

 An osprey screams out his dismay at my presence and vacates his perch.

He's not too badly back lighted so I went ahead and posted him here.  This one is a resident of Douglas Lake and is one of a pair who had two babies this year. 

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