Wednesday, September 17, 2014


The satellite internet is giving me fits tonight so I'll keep the verbiage at a minimum and try to get the pictures on here.  I call this entry simply, LIGHT because I was sitting on the porch looking out across the shrubs, pines, flowers and other plants in the yard and noticed the sun light was passing through the leaves and flowers creating a surreal looking environment out there.  I grabbed the camera and tried to take advantage of the afternoon light.  I used the 120 - 400 mm Sigma telephoto lens for all the shots and I think most came out acceptable.  That lens is absolutely the wrong lens for this kind of photography.  Gotta use what I got.  I'll keep quiet and put the pics up now.  Hope you like something here.  Thanks for being a reader here.  I appreciate it.  The shot below is a favorite of mine.


Wow - is this stuff really in my yard?

These shots looked pretty fair in the file folder.  I'm really curious how they will look on the blog.  The site actually enlarges the photos automatically, which I hate, and it sometimes brings out grain in the photos.  We'll see.

 The shot below appears to be 3D


That's it for now.  The satellite doesn't want to cooperate tonight and besides - I'm really tired.  Thank you so much for looking in on the blog.

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