Monday, October 13, 2014


TVA, Tennessee Valley Authority, has been drawing down Douglas Lake in earnest over the past few weeks and its about as low as it can go and still remain navigable. There aren't too many pretty scenes to be had due to the exposure of high, muddy shorelines now exposed to view and believe me I looked hard to find some semblance of beauty to photograph and came up short.
The above shot is about the best I can do on this lake during the day.  Early morning, before the light is up is the best time to capture sky and water on this lake.  Even an ugly duckling looks pert in low light.  

The shots are similar but his head is in a variety of positions in the shots.  Look at what you want and don't get bored.
 I have this thing about eagles, hawks and ospreys.  I don't ever look them in the eye.  It seems they won't tolerate that situation.  I really think these birds have the ability to look right into one's pupil and it unnerves them.  I've watched eagles for long periods of time and when I attempt to stare one down, he skedaddles.
 This baby is beautiful and healthy.  The parents live down stream a little over a mile and a half and have no doubt driven him away from their area.   I've seen this fellow before around here and it looks like he will be a permanent resident on this end of the lake.  That's good because there is a lot of fish for him summer and winter and he will grow old and fat and live a long, long life while having lots of babies of his own.

 Great Egret
Some mallard ducks were splashing around having a great time.  That's all it was about.  They were having fun.
I headed back toward the boat ramp late afternoon and was hugging the shoreline because that's where the water is the deepest believe it or not.
I looked up on the cliff at a brown splotch that appeared out of place and a smile came to my face.  I hadn't seen these wild goats in over a year and I was becoming concerned about them.  I killed the engine and enjoyed his company.

These goats have been roaming the cliffs of this lake for about 12 years I'm told.  They don't bother anything and are no threat to any indigenous critters as they don't share the cliffs with any other mammals.  Deer certainly would not be caught dead on those cliffs.  I don't think they could cling on those vertical surfaces like these guys do.  The goats don't cause erosion due to the stony texture of the mountain side and they eat what nothing else will.  Kudzu is a favorite treat as well as thorn bushes.  The folks who live around here like to watch them and the goats are welcomed whenever seen.

 Above:  Shade saw the goat and barked.  The expression on the face is the result of Shade's bark.  Funny!
 She was up and running.  Thank you Shade.

And that's today.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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