Thursday, October 16, 2014


Yesterday was a glorious morning or maybe I should say it was a morning full of beautiful morning glories.
I'm trying something very different with this post.  All the pictures are full size as they came out of the camera.  I'm not sure how they will post but I wanted to see if the quality is improved by not reducing their size.

The morning glories are growing around an old fossilized tree stump that has faces carved in it.  It was given to me by the wife of a friend who I befriended over the past year.  Bill Sharp was a carver and a maker of things.  He started to carve out the pictures from his mind onto this hard wood but passed on to the better life before he finished.  Cancer sometimes doesn't wait on a fella to complete his work.  Clarissa, his wife brought this piece to my yard and I am thankful for it.  The morning glories add color to Bill's portrait.
 I threw an azalea in here because it impressed me with it's beauty.  

And there you have it.  A simple post consisting of life simplest pleasures.  Nothing more and nothing less. 

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