Tuesday, September 22, 2015


 He was in a very difficult spot to get a good picture.  Surrounded by rich greenery and badly back lighted - he would be a challenge.  Its the way things go when in a boat.  I trundle along the shoreline and come upon them haphazardly and accidently with the photographic successes in the hands of fate.  Tough shooting but I did get him in decent shots, I guess.
 He is one of the two siblings belonging to the pair of adults who reside above the overfall dam on the Holston River just above the John Sevier steam plant.
 I believe he is this year's immature bald eagle and has been cast out into the world by his parents to find his own property rights.  He has followed the river downstream to a tiny cove densely foliaged with a stand of tall hardwoods.
 He didn't like to hear the big white boat passing across the opening to his private cove and bolted from his lofty perch.
His head and beak can be seen through that little hole, window, just center in the picture above.  No luck with the camera or that shot would have been a National Geographic picture if it weren't for the leaves and limbs.  I am awed in the presence of this huge birds each and every time I am in close proximity.  Just an amazing creature.  Their faces always display determination and intelligence.

 The shots above and below are indications that Summer is through and Fall approaches.  Actually Fall is here.  I love that season but am no friend to the one that follows Fall.
 A grebe passes in front of the boat.  Hes so tiny yet resillient.  They can dive under water and come back to the surface a hundred yards away in seconds.  I am constantly amazed at their prowess in the water.
 This is a rather attractive shoreline where I stopped to stretch my legs after three hours on the water.  Shade was due for a stop too.  Its attractive here but not what I call real pretty.  I hate to see those desolate shorelines this time of year.  Not natural and mostly ugly.   Ya can wrap a present in bright, colorful wrapping but if there's a rock in the box, it remains a rock.

My sweetie

 Above:  The shoreline along the Holston near Melinda Ferry Bridge above Quarryville.  Its a spectacular shoreline, primitive in nature on overcast days.
 This is the cove where the immature eagle was perched.  It flew straight over the boat, as they often do when leaving these tight, short coves.  Shade seems to be saying, "did you see that?"
Below is just a dark, pretty piece of rocky shoreline that I found attractive.
The scene below is always a welcome sight.  I know the place well.  If you think its pretty in this picture - you should see it when the water is over top those rocks on the left.
So, thats it for this entry. I'm going to put more and more entries on the blog from now on.  I'm just more comfortable writing here than I am on Face Book.  The 40 year old BMW will be taking a day ride soon to Hot Springs, North Carolina, that is, as soon as I can get a luggage rack installed behind that solo seat.  I can't carry anything on the bike right now.  I'm working on it.

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