Wednesday, September 16, 2015


The Hawk
 The Eagle
I counted 9 immature bald eagles on Douglas Lake this afternoon and only one of them was a resident eagle.  This means that a migration from the north has commenced, as it does every year, only this year its happening a couple months early for some reason.  The young eagles will stay until Spring, maybe March, and then depart back toward the north.  One or two may stay here in East Tennessee.
 Ospreys were very active today also.  I guess the lake's occupants are preparing for winter.  Yuk.  Hate winter.

 Very, very bold as he leaps into space.
 I've said it before, ospreys never just fly off.  They have to interject drama into the activity of flying.
And all of a sudden he was there.  The immature eagle was tucked way back under foliage in the shadows but I could still set up some respectable shutter speed.  That 7D Canon  is dynomite.  
 What an eagle!  He seems really large making me think he is a she.

 He is pretty young as there is very little white on his plumage.  Note that the back of his neck is devoid of white.  A good indication that this bird may only be a year to a year and a half old.
 He is a magnificent specimen, as they pretty much all are.  How can ya not look in awe at a bald eagle?
 He became excited and moved his feet up and down on the limb and his body took on an alerted posture.
 He was going to leap off that limb.  I could tell.  I set the camera to as close to 1/2000th of a second as I could and still catch enough light to get the shots.
 The huge wings raised in preparation to lift him up after his jump into space.  He was ready, and so was I.
 Then he jumped and his massive wings raised to an almost vertical position and ready for powerful muscles to pull them down hard giving him lift and control simultaneously.

 There is nothing as exciting as having a bald eagle flying at top speed straight toward your face.  Wow!  He came straight at me and swooped over the top of the boat very close to the radio antenna.  My heart was beating.  Never had one do that.

 The ospreys were very active today.
 These shots are on face book too, but I put some extra pics on this blog entry.

 These osprey shots were taken at great distance and I'm amazed they were as good as they are.  Luck I guess.  Actually that 7D Canon is to thank.

 This egret was just flying bye and I figured I'd give him a hip shot.  Got lucky.  Not a terribly bad shot.
Below:  double crested cormorant
 There is a little duck in the water up against the rocky shoreline.  Center picture.
 She is trundling up the rocky hill for some specific reason.  
 On and on she goes.
 The little thing settles in against a rock wall that is to her back.  I don't understand what this is all about but she seems content.
 The really nice thing about long lenses is that one can keep far back away from the critters and not frighten them.  A 500 mm lens is a blessing to use in wildlife photography.
This little wading bird is a green heron and I took these shots to illustrate a green heron that is contented and one that is agitated.  The shot below shows the heron at ease and happy.

 These shots show the green heron agitated and disturbed.  Note the vertical plumage or crest on top his head.   He's upset at my presence.
Kingfishers are very difficult birds to photograph.  They are lightning quick and they can leave a perch quicker than the eye can follow let alone press a shutter button to take his picture.  But, it can be done.  There is a process I use.  No, I'm not telling.

 Little bugger is staring at me in the shot below, watching that big white boat closely.
 And, I got lucky and nailed him.

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