Friday, September 18, 2020


The sun arose over the flat, sandy plain and sounds of waves could be heard, not crashing but rolling up onto the level shoreline.  The view was unbroken in all directions, but a gray line in the far distance that appeared as a pencil line against the sky could barely be seen.  There lay Joppa and Mt. Carmel, the wanderer's destination.  The coastal plain that seemed to emanate from the waters of the Mediterranean was a baron, hot place and the nomad pushed on inland maintaining a fast yet efficient pace.  There, ahead, was the town of Lod.  It lay in a flat basin within the Mediterranean Plain that was called the Plain of Sharon.  This was fertile ground and was known for its flowers and it is said that a certain rose has been known down through the years as a representation of the Christ, the Alpha and the Omega - the Savior that this wanderer worshiped.  He felt that his sandals were standing on Holy ground and when he approached a particularly beautiful bush of white flowers, he paused. 

His heart pounded and he dropped to his knees, forehead to the soil, his tears creating tiny puffs of dust as they fell upon the ground.  He had sudden visions of a cold splintery, wooden cross standing against the dark of the sky when a beam of white light suddenly struck the crux simplex and his Savior was suddenly visible.  He wore around his forehead a woven  crown of thorns that tore his flesh and presented a miserable visage.  The face of Jesus was turned down facing the base of the cross but, the nomad watched in his mind as the head of his Savior raised and the eyes opened as they looked upon him and the traveler was flooded with warmth.  He rubbed his eyes and looked again into his mind and suddenly the crown of thorns was gone.  It was gone, and in its place were woven sprigs of Sharon's Rose gently resting on his Savior's brow.  And the vision slowly dissipated into oblivion.  The nomad arose and with face turned to the sky wiped his eyes and uttered--"I Am - you are the most beautiful rose on the fields of Sharon.  You are my lily of the valley."

Song Of Soloman  2: 1  I AM the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.