This blog is a visual record of my outings into the streams, lakes and forests of Tennessee and North Carolina by canoe, motor boat and motorcycle. I love photography and use that venue to record wildlife and wilderness scenes for my personal enjoyment. I enjoy writing short stories also and do so while out in the forests or on the lakes. I also am addicted to dogs as will be apparent as you read my blog. But, the canoe is my favorite means of escape and wilderness camping is a joy.
Saturday, June 4, 2022
Named a mute swan because it is not nearly as vocal as a domestic or wild swan. The mute swan runs around 17 to 30 pounds and has a wing span in the neighborhood of 7.5 to 9 feet. The males have a large black knob at the top rear of their beak while females have a smaller protrusion. Flight speed runs around 50 mps tops. Thats moving along for a 30 pound object.
This particular swan is a female and I photographed her last year on the Holston River. No mate was noticed then and none now. I don't understand that but nature is the driver here. These pictures were taken only a week ago, 5-29-22 in the same area as last year. Mutes are not common here and are rarely seen. This lady has been hanging out near white egrets and at times swimming geese.