Friday, September 28, 2012


I have not had the good fortune to photograph an immature bald eagle with good success, ever.  That all changed today.  At least, I've done my best with it.  I adjusted the camera and lens for minimum ISO and the lowest shutter speed I could use without suffering shake.  The goal was to be able to crop the shots later with minimal picture distortion.  I am satisfied with the results, at least on my computer.  This was difficult as I was on the water and the slightest wave would "rock the boat" and ruin the shot.  I had to press the shutter between "boat rocks," so to speak.  I would guess this eagle to be between two and three years old with another two or two and a half years to go before he is awarded his white head, neck and tail feathers.  He is a large eagle and I have not previously seen him in the area I was working in today.  I will not comment much throughout this presentation of photos.  There are a lot of pictures.  I hope you enjoy them.  It's rare to be able to collect shots of an immature - at least it has been so for me over the years.


The boat is turning sideways and the eagle is being back lighted by the sky now.  This is exactly what I didn't want to happen.  I had to adjust the camera brightness setting down a third stop.

I'm hoping these shots crop decently.  Even now, as I upload them, I can't tell what the finished images will look like posted on the blog.  Its too much work to remove them if they aren't satisfactory, re-size them and re post them.  Fingers crossed.

I'm posting these early in the day as the satellite is used less by the world.  Now, however, a storm is brewing and clouds can ruin the effort.  I gotta move fast.

All of these shots are crystal clear at their "as taken" sizes.  Cropped sometimes leaves a lot to be desired.  The clouds are moving over the satellite dish and I suspect problems uploading shortly.

That's enough.  I'm happy with these shots.  This eagle is mine forever now.  I can pull up these shots and remember the moment of our meeting.  I hope you weren't bored with so many pictures of this bird.  As I stated before - this is the first opportunity I've had to get shots of an immature bald eagle up until now.  I can't explain it but that's how the cards were dealt me.  I wish I could use a tripod effectively on a boat but, it just doesn't work.  If I could hook this camera and lens outfit onto a tripod I could really get some fabulous shots.  There is too much movement in a boat for that to work.  These shots were taken resting the camera and lens on the seat of the boat.  The lens itself is about 4 pounds so you have an idea what I have to hold on a subject free-hand.  That's it for today, I think.  I can't wait to see these shots myself.  We'll be going to the flood plain on the French Broad River soon with a blind and a "tripod" for some on land photography.  It ought to be fun.  See you then.


  1. Do you ever print out your photos and have them framed. I would think your photographs would make a wonderful Art showing of the critters in the natural nature settings. I know it can be costly but such great educational tool to use when trying to get the word out about taking care of our natural wooded areas and the creatures that live in these areas. Just a thought. Kind of like a Nature road art show...
    The photographs of the Eagle are magnificent.

    1. I wanted to add that you have many photographs and stories that would make a lovely published book. Anne

  2. I have to agree with Ann on both counts,I would not be surprised if your outfit,TWRA, might not find them useful in some of their educational programs.There would probably be a market for them if you were so inclined.
    Some of these Eagle pics are exceptional both in capturing the subject and the photograph quality.My compliments and thanks for sharing.


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