Friday, February 1, 2013


The weather turned bitter cold last night with snow.  I know that sounds petty but, ya gotta remember this is Tennessee and it was 75 degrees yesterday at noon.  Weather like this can make things come to a grinding halt down here in the temperate zones.  We're used to Tahiti type temperatures around here.  Anyway;  a lot of heavy rain combined with major quantities of water running into the reservoirs from points far north have created flood stage water levels and make it impossible to put a boat on the water safely.  I took some shots at Douglas Lake and Beech Creek today.  As I look at the shots they actually appear attractive, which surprised me.  I expected the pictures to show sticky, brown, icky mud.   To add a little diversity to the entry - I decided to put some photos up of old buildings I had on file.  I took a couple of the shots today. I like old structures.   Its either that or post nothing.  The end result is diverse subject matter.
Bridge over Beech Creek.  A little more water and passage under the bridge would be iffy.  

The above are shots up and downstream from the Beech Creek Bridge.  The current was flowing hard upstream due to the high, flood waters pushing up from the Holston River below.

I drove up the river to Surgoinsvile and the TWRA boat ramp and fishing platforms.  This is the first time I was ever here.  I was pronouncing the name of the town Surgeonsville and was promptly corrected.  It's pronounced sur-goins-ville.  I didn't read the spelling close enough.
This is the boat ramp at Surgoinsville.  I like it.  The ramp enters the water beside a nice, protective piece of shoreline that juts out past the left corner of the ramp and diverts the fast current that would otherwise sweep launched boats instantly away to the right.

The boat ramp at Beech Creek is out there where that sign is sticking out of the water.  

Notice the summer and winter shots of the barn above.  I couldn't get them side by side or even above each other.  This blog is funny about photo placement at times.
I left  Beech Creek and drove to Douglas Lake.  I wanted to see if anyone might be out braving the flood waters to fish for sauger or walleye.

I took the shots above at Leadvale with the idea they would portray the ugliness of Douglas Lake at it's muddiest.  Instead, the photos show the lake in a disguise.  It doesn't look too bad.

Those are some nice old structures.  I always wonder about the families who worked and lived in these old places.  Visions of old Tennessee come to mind.  Mules pulling plows and hay rakes, churning butter on the porch, hanging cloths on a clothes line and men turning mowed hay over with pitch forks in the field to complete the drying process by the sun.

These old houses and barns are remnants of the old Tennessee.  They reflect character and class.  They are indicative of hard work, ethics, religious belief, family strength and a will to survive and succeed.  But then again - I have a vivid imagination.  I suddenly think of Sevierville and Pigeon Forge and a feeling of embarrassment comes over me.

The diversity box is getting low on contents.  I'll shake it again tomorrow but I won't promise what will fall out, if anything.  Thanks for looking in.


  1. Nice bit o' diversity, Gary. The snow enhances those scenes. I like old buildings for the same reason - if only those walls could talk what stories we might hear.

  2. Gary,This blog is so interesting, and you have to wonder about all the lives that lived in the structures and their stories. Sort of makes my heart ache to see where we are now in a disposable world. Great shots and a toast to Shakin the Diversity Box. This is great human interest stories. Anne

  3. Like that diversity .Old barns remind me of home,especially the ones in the snow.


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