Friday, September 17, 2010


click on photos to enlarge all pictures taken with Canon SD 990 IS Elph
It was a long ride back to Tennessee from Pennsylvania on the little 650 cc motorcycle.  Never once did I get on an interstate.  The little bike guided me North from Tennessee through North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and finally to my home in Pennsylvania.  It was an adventure to use all those back roads.  But, I saw more beautiful country side than any interstate would have made available.  Today is my first day back and I wanted to unwind and spend time with my best friends.  I felt like walking through the forest that surrounds the old ruins at Tellico Lake.
When I am in a totally relaxed state of mind; I slow down and really see where I'm looking.
Natural beauty does not have to always be grandiose views of tall peaks and valleys viewed from afar.
The spectacle of tall mountains covered in spruce and hemlock are candy to the viewer.  But, there are other spectacular visions at ones feet if only one would take the time to look and "see."
Fall is coming fast and the forests fauna and flora are changing to meet the demands of winter.

This blog entry contains some delightful forest views.  The photographs are segments of a larger natural picture.  As with a fine painting;  the human eye dissects and dwells upon a certain aspect within the whole presentation that is on the canvas.

The photographs I offer here are dissections from the painting nature has provided me today.  I, in no way, claim to be a great, or even good photographer, but, these memories I have collected will be with me till I am no more.  And after all;  that's what photography is all about. 

We naturally think of leaves when we think of Autumn.  I think that's because the turning leaves are the obvious factor associated with Fall.  We don't want to get out of our cars and use our legs and feet anymore.  The coming of Fall is indicated by many other forest and meadow plants.
The meadows are seas of color and will only get better from this moment on until the cold burns the blossoms
The greens are so vivid!  Another month will replace the greens of early Fall with browns containing tints of purple and sage.
A spider has taken up residence in a precarious spot.  A slight breeze will destroy his home.  No matter;  he is equipped to build another in an instant.
All of this I have seen in just a couple hours of meandering about at the forests edge.  This is why I like to spend extended time in the forests and the lakes.  The longer one makes himself available to the wilderness;  the more opportunities arise to view natural occurrences and to be amazed by them.
I really would love to photograph some wild critters but, it's hard to do with four dogs running off energy.  Even when I stoop to photograph a wild flower, they run excitedly to me thinking I have found some new "thing" that will interest them.  It's difficult folks!
Some of these shots may seem repetitious  but, I am offering the same subject with two different camera settings.  The shot above and the shot below are examples of what I speak of.  Incidentally;  look carefully at the right side of the plant.  There is a little, tiny critter clinging on the edge looking for small mites to eat.
Ok, Ok;  I just had to do it..  I like dogs.  What can I say....
Many of these flowers will be gone soon.  Either frost or hard rain will knock them from their stems.
And, who says plants have to be colorful to be beautiful?
Alright;  Here's a bit of color to break up the green thing I have going:
The same subject with just a bit of change to hue:
Below;  did it to ya again.  You know I gotta do it:
I hope I'm not boring you with all this green.  These plants and associated colors are what makes up the wonderful places we call forests and meadows.  We look at the big picture and see the conglomeration of the sum total of each individual plant.  I'm showing you the players performing on stage.  Each has an important part in the production.
I'll bet you didn't realize the diversity that, when combined with group as a whole, creates our natural green surroundings.
Here's more color:
The simple pine cone can be an elegant thing to photograph.
I pick my steps carefully so as not to trample the plants.  The dogs, well;  they actually belong out here more than I do and their paw prints are small compared to my size elevens.
Ready for some more color?
I can't help it.  I gotta sneak a shot of them in now and again.
Note the activity under the flower pod of the plant above.
Whew!  I didn't realize I took so many photos this morning.  Sometimes I get carried away.  Guess that's why they put off buttons on computers.
I can't forget the grounds surrounding the ruins.  That place is beautiful.
Thought I'd throw a bit of color into the mix for a change.  Pre-Fall is beautiful in the woods.

Even old things man made are beautiful.  But, they have to be old.  Old is better....
Many plants appear so delicate one considers it a wonder they can survive out here.
Many plants confound the imagination.  What is that!
I hope I am not boring anyone with my meager attempt at creativity.  If so;  remember the off button.  But I'm saving the best for last.
I like butterflies.  There I said it.  I think of them as moving radient beams of color that keep the wilderness places interesting.  They are a welcomed surprise and a delight to behold when the weight of the planet is on ones shoulders.  Butterflies demand attention.  One can not be in their presence and not look at them.  Just remember;  don't just look but,  "see them."
 It is gorgeous.  Digital can not capture his essence.  He's sure stocking up on nectar.
It's so delicate yet so hardy and resilient.  It has to be to survive.  Do you know where they have to migrate to?  I won't tell you.  Look it up on the internet.  You won't believe it.
OK;  time for one more shot:
Well;  one more:
I lied;  one more and that's it
Hope you enjoyed the walk.  I am putting together the trip to PA on the little motorcycle.  There are a lot of photos to handle but I hope you enjoy them when I get them posted.  It was quite a long journey for such a small vehicle of minuscule power.  See you soon here on the blog and please be kind to a dog.. Please----