Wednesday, November 30, 2011

AMERICA THAT I LOVE------You Better Wake Up and Fast

 I'm not a political person and I don't ever want to use this blog site as a platform for my political beliefs.  Some things I can not abide with.  This is one of them.  Who would struggle on a battle field to uphold laws for America like the one depicted in the below video?   Actually, the proposition depicted in the video is so ridiculous it's almost laughable if it weren't for the fact that it's real.  Think, think, think!!!
If you haven't watched this video;  you need to.  Put party preferences aside and just listen to it.  Ask yourselves if this is what I want for my family.  Guess what;   it goes into effect in 2014 and you'll have to learn to like it.
This is nuts! I can't believe an educated leader would even consider anything in this video for Americans. What idiocy! It's the most indecent proposition I've heard of. Rates right up there with mandating that pizza is now a vegetable. Well; I guess ya gotta look at who's doing the mandating. And, they're all in agreement about the pizza. We're doomed in this country.  If a new government isn't installed; the United States will be on an irreversible plunge into a black, bottomless abyss and will be destroyed. Wonder what it takes to wake up the population to this fraud we have as a president? He's a damn fraud! I don't care about Democrats or Republicans, blue people or black people or Martians. Look at this ridiculous representation of a president we are stuck with. Just look at him. He's not a joke. He's the most dangerous individual who has ever been entwined in the web of national government since it's inception. Don't listen to Rush Limbaugh or Shawn Hannity or Mark Levine. Forget them. Use the head you were born with and just rationalize the situation on your own. No half conscious American can believe this guy is helping America. He's destroying it. He's destroying everything that historical blood has been shed for. He's on an agenda of some sorts and it isn't to strengthen This country. I don't know what it is but, it's obvious it isn't to better the American people. The illegal immigrants got it made. Votes. The blacks of the country got it made. Votes. And, now we want to help Somalia. Ever hear of the Samolian pirates? Yep; Somalia is scheduled to receive billions in aid. "Welcome to the USA Samolian citizen." Votes. This is just a damn rant but, I hate to see the blood of our forefathers, and damn near my own, who sacrificed it all for the protection of this nation we live in and "shop" in, defiled and diluted to the consistency of alcohol. Maybe our congress could designate blood a vegetable and levy a food tax on blood recipients.
Better yet; levy a capital gains tax on blood "banks."


  1. We have no direction at this point, we are lost at sea. I can't remember a time when I felt so disgusted with our government and that says something after living through Johnson, Nixon and Clinton. I had seen this video on Facebook recently and shared it.

  2. I don't have flash on this computer.

    But the only problem I have with our president is I wish he had more spine.

    Greek and Italian and Irish immigrants came to America--all coming from desperately poor backgrounds, hoping by hard work to make a better life for themselves and their families. They were hated by many people at the time because they were "different", but contributed their energy and intelligence to building the vibrant culture that America became. Hispanic immigrants are like that now.

    And I have a black family living next to me. They surely don't "have it made"--there are three generations in that house, all but grand dad (who had a heart attack and now watches the baby) and the baby working or looking for work, and they can't afford to fix the damn gutters. And since they have at least two family members with full time jobs, they're a lot better off than most black families in this area.

    So I don't buy into this idea that either of the two groups you mention are getting an unfair advantage over anyone else.

    We send foreign aid to other countries, as we have done for generations, under presidents of all types and persuasions. Yes, Somalia has pirates. The poorest section of Appalachia has people who cook meth, and for about the same reasons; there's a real shortage of other ways to make a living. Trying to help Somalia is like trying to help Appalachia--possibly it's misguided and won't work, but if it does, it will reduce meth / piracy because people make better choices when they have better options. It's not a reward for piracy any more than a job-creating program (and we could really use some of those and *my* current political disgust is with the party that is blocking that) in Appalachia would be a reward for meth cooking.

  3. The "blacks" have it made. (or immigrants? You do realize these lakes you love were once pristine Cherokee rivers, before European immigrants destroyed them.)
    You need to get out more and maybe meet some real people other than the on the internet or dogs.
    And relax, Obama is not destroying our country. There's no need to invest in the bomb shelter, ammunition, or gold yet. And Somalian's dont vote.

  4. A polite response to an anonymous comment. Oh yes sir; I do realize and understand the history of this part of Tennessee very well. I am familier with how the properties were acquired for the building of the dams. And I am very informed about not only the Cherokee's plight but, all the indians repression throughout the East and North. I prefer the company of dogs because they act sensible, unlike politicians who play to the voter. And I prefer them to the voter who is unable to think with the brain God planted in his head. Meet real people? Where are they. "Real" people disappeared after the great wars and the Depression. There are a few left, I suppose. But, for the most part there are followers and a citizenory diluted by the intrusion of certain imigrants who would weaken the resolve of this nation to be free. The American heritage is becomming thinner and thinner and will tear apart if America doesn't acquire real leaders in Washington. Oh; I know that Somalians can't vote---------"YET"
    I appreciate your comment.


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