Friday, November 4, 2011



photo compliments of Harold Lyninger
7AM finds me at a boat ramp on the rock quarry lake, Cherokee.  I wanted to be on the water at sun up but encountered dense fog when I approached the lake.  The fog is so dense I can't see the 22 foot long boat attached to the truck.
I'm inclined to set down a few notes that pertain to the old Alcoa Lodge named Scona, meaning across the water in Cherokee, that was built in the seventies on the bank of the Little Tennessee River.  I have previous blog entries relating to that place.  Scona was built by Alcoa Aluminum Company across the Little Tennessee River for the entertainment of the wealthy citizens of the area and visiting business people and dignitaries from foreign countries.  Alcoa annihilated the entire property in the early eighties.  All traces of the lodge are gone.  Not even a brick is left to mark its existence.  There are rumors of unsavory activities occurring at Scona that coincide with the many happy events that surely occurred. 

My question is why was the lodge property so totally destroyed?  The demolition is so complete that three associated houses, sheds, roadway and patios were all evaporated, vaporized.
courtesy of anonymous contributor
My interest in Scona has recently been revitalized by a person who visited my blog site and saw my entries on Scona.  She was raised as a child at Scona for ten years and her father worked there.
courtesy of Harold Lyninger
My contact with her via email is constant and I look forward to a meeting with her in the late Winter.  I'll say no more as I will protect her anonymity at all costs.  I've already learned incredible facts from our emails pertaining to Scona history that would be a shame to lose through lack of documentation.

This is all that's left of the fabulous Scona Lodge

It's almost all reclaimed by nature.
 There is nothing written about Scona on the entire Internet.  Scona is mentioned in a brief, short paragraph on Wickapedia.   I wonder why?  Why is it a secret about this place?  Why was it destroyed so thoroughly as to leave no indication it ever existed?  I'll seek to find the answers as I continue my meager, unprofessional investigation.

courtesy of anonymous contributor
Above:  Waiting for the husbands to return from a morning round of golf.

The Scona site is surrounded by rugged mountains on three sides and the waters of the dammed up Little Tennessee River, now Chilhowee Dam on the last side.  the Scona site is all but lost to nature's attempts at reclaiming her land and will soon do so.  Scona will disappear forever, as will it's memory, as people depart from this earth.  What a shame!  I intend to eventually write a complete history of Scona as soon as I have all the facts.

I would ask that anyone who reads this entry who has visited Scona Lodge or who knew someone who worked there to please email me or leave a message at the end of this entry. I will keep you anonymous or show credit for your contribution, as you desire.   I would appreciate it more than I can say.  Scona deserves a fitting entry into the history of East Tennessee.


  1. Hi,Gary. I have several family members that are from that area. My dad told me a man by the name of Ralph Lee wrote a book that dealt with the history of the Lodge,Calderwood and Tapoca. He is going to try to get me the name of the book, and I will pass it on to you. I'd like to take a kayak trip up there sometime to see the old place. Here is the only link I have found that mentions the lodge and Lee:

  2. How fascinating! We have a similar building that has all but disappeared from our lake, Beaver in NW Arkansas. Long ago Coin Harvey built a resort called Monte Ne here. There is much written about it however but there is little left of the buildings. I found your interesting blog while searching for a picture of a Mimosa tree on Google. I blog about the Ozarks and love to share the beauty of the lake, come visit me at

  3. Hi Gary. Im having trouble sending you an email so I thought I would send you a message here. My dad grew up at Scona, where my grandparents managed the resort. I believe you may have spoken with my Aunt. I would love to connect with you and talk further about the history of this place.


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