Friday, March 2, 2012


What on earth is wrong with the human species that plagues this planet?  These outrageous acts can't be blamed on lack of education.  Education has nothing to do with it.  This is wanton killing for the sake of killing. Its about core family values.  Yep - its the way they were raised.  Uncaring good ole boys breed uncaring good ole kids that grow up to be uncaring good ole men.  The lot of them combined are a danger to all things wild, and that are stray.  These people think its fun to take the life of this magnificent bird.  I don't know why so many rural Tennesseans have this preoccupation with killing animals.  It gives the impression that they think animals exist solely for the purpose of shooting them. "Its my heritage" is usually the statement given for killing.  Now, that is an uneducated excuse. The killing of these eagles is outrageous and shameful.  I don't want to paint "all" Tennesseans with the same brush but, there is an enormous smattering of the Tennessee species of human that has no respect for wildlife.  Dogs, cats, raptors, vultures - you name it.  Those creatures are all in peril when they fall within the radar of these trusty good ole boys.  Its sickening and disgusting.   Humans - they all need watched.  They all need monitored when in the wilderness.  None of them want that and it seems invasive but, it has to be done.  Humans, it appears, just can't control themselves in the wild places.  They have to assert they're influences on the lesser creatures who reside there. They just can't " let it be."  It verifies my thoughts on which entity is really the lesser being.
click on the article to enlarge and read 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, I typed so fast that most of my sentences were run on's~ I'll try again! This sickens me and breaks my heart. How could anyone do such a thing? You are right on about the kind of person that commits a crime like this, they have lived with parents who had no regard for nature or the animals that God put on this Earth to share our lives and make them better. I hope they find whoever did this and punish them to the full extent of the law. Sad, even in a world with many sad things this really cuts to the core. Your pictures are so good Gary, you should submit to wildlife publications. Thanks for doing this post on a disturbing subject that we all need to stand up and do our best to prevent happening again. I would hope the corp/authorities will post these notices all around public areas to keep this in the news, someone knows something and the reward money will hopefully persuade them to talk.

  3. I can't imagine ANYONE wanting to kill an eagle.
    They're beknighted, that's for sure.

    We even caught the hawk that had killed our chickens all summer and took it to rehab... they are such gorgeous birds.

  4. As an eleventh generation East Tennessean I am glad you said that not all Tennesseans kill for sport. I respect nature and all things natural. We should be caretakers of each other.


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