Tuesday, August 28, 2012


click photos to enlarge
I was in my "A" section of the lake today and anticipated some wildlife activity but, not a lot due to the fact I was working the afternoon.  Most critters are staying in the shade during the heat of the afternoon.
I had received the polarizing lens yesterday and today would be test time.  I also made an adjustment to the camera.  Guess I'll never learn to leave it be.  Its fun to mess.  All the shots in this entry are nothing more than that - just shots.  I'm looking at color and its relationship to the polarizing lens.  I also want to compare the "Standard" camera setting with the "Landscape" setting that I will adjust back and forth throughout the day.  So there is no continuity with the photographs.  I have made no attempt at super quality shots (impossible for me).   Normally I wouldn't post shots this way but the blog site does a terrific job of enlarging the shots without losing any quality.  I'll comment here and there but, for the most part the pictures will simply be posted and stand on their own merit or, lack thereof.  A bit of dry humor there.  Hope you see something that interests you.

 Red Tail Hawk - far away

Bald Eagle nest.

What a sight!  Two wading birds standing on land in the middle of the lake.  The mud hole is losing water fast.  This situation is great for safe boating..

The two shots above are very, very long shots.  Note the absence of sparkle from the water's surface.  The polarizer has eliminated the suns reflection from the water's surface.

 Above & Below:  Geese

 Large flock of Double Crested Cormorants

Scramble the planes!!

I've discovered a new species on an out of the way part of the lake.  This creature is a lost species - a critter not ever discovered in the wild places in the state or maybe in the east.  Wyoming and Montana have nothing on Tennessee when it comes to mountain goats.  We got our own over here.  Shade growled and then barked.  I shushed her and when I looked in the direction she was looking I was face to face with, well, with a goat.

 She was just walking down the shoreline minding her own business.  Nothing unusual about it.  Just a goat.  Yep!

 This is one of a large group of goats that went feral about ten or twelve years ago and have made these cliffs their home.  Folks just leave them alone.  They are harmless and only eat grass.  At least that's what I'm told.  They are every bit as wild as the mountain goats of Montana and just as sure footed.  They can rocket straight up a shear cliff and make it look like child's play.  

  And there you have it - a Tennessee mountain goat.  What next?
That goat is an oddity for sure.  I liked seeing her.  I'll keep an eye out for her and her friends from this day forth.

"Hey - anybody in there?  Hey you in there.  Come out, come out."

I told you earlier - just pictures.
That would be a raccoon track

Well, I learned a lot today.  I like the polarizing lens but its not needed for "all" photographic situations.  For instance its useless to shoot otters under an overhanging bank.  Its a great tool for birds in flight or on the water.  The filter will be a great benefit when photographing birds in trees with the sky as a back drop.  They will still be reproduced very dark but, the software in the computer will have a better chance of correcting the situation.  Hope you saw something you liked and thanks for putting up with these "all over the place" photos.  Have a good night.


  1. Gary, these are amazing pictures, Shade looks like she is posing for the picture. The Goat picture and story is so interesting. I hope they are safe from mankind. All of the pictures as usual are pretty dang perfect. What you see through your eyes and the lens is absolutely beautiful. Thanks

  2. Hey Gary would you say Shade finally got your goat LOL.Pics look very good.Did you get a Polarizing Lens or filter ? Thanks for the good work


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