Thursday, June 27, 2013


I'm just sitting here messing on the computer while I wait for the rain to stop.  I was mowing the grass when the sky opened up on me.  I kept on mowing until the grass gobbed up under the mower deck and stalled the mower.  I did notice an amazing change in the yard.

It's the butterfly bushes.  These bushes were just a couple inches high when I planted them in the Spring.  Look at em now.  The amazing thing is that there were no colored blooms on either bush when I left home this morning.  I didn't notice the flowers until I pushed the mower past them.  They are huge, bushy and beautiful.

I'm going to get fifty more of these next Spring and make a fence out of em.  I hope they spread clear across the yard.  Maybe they'll kill this stupid grass and I won't have to mow.  Check out the clematis.  
I planted two of them to see what they would do and look like. They went nuts.  Those tiny, flimsy, wimpy little plants spread very quickly.  I stuck a thin wood stake in the ground beside one and hooked the little piece of wood to the big drift wood limb.  The clematis climbed right up that little stake and attacked the drift wood.  Very pretty.
I do pull the weeds out from around all these flowers three times a week.  The weeds grow back like weeds.  Huh?
 You knew there would have to be an animal in here somewhere.  The frog is just a bonus.

Yesterday was my last day of duty on the lakes for a couple weeks as I'm "supposed" to leave for Pennsylvania on Saturday.  Things aren't looking good for a departure.  The rain has moved in here and has taken up residency.  We had a storm last night that shook this house.  Thunder sounded very early in the morning and it knocked me off the mattress.  I suddenly had three very shook up dogs on top of me.  No problem.  They just needed a hug.  The rain fell in torrents.  It came down extremely hard and fast with what appeared to be no end in sight.  I checked the 5 day weather forecast this  morning and Roanoke, Va, Bristol, Tn and Blowing Rock, Tn (at the Blueridge Parkway) are all scheduled for rain clear through Monday.  Those cities are all on the West side of the Blue Ridge Parkway in the valley.  If they have rain, the Blue Ridge will be experiencing a Noah's Arc event for those days.  Not a good place to be on a motorcycle.  The unfortunate thing is that I have a dog sitter lined up and she's paid already.  I'll have to rearrange the schedule with her I guess.  This is a wet Summer.  I've not seen so much rain since moving down here to Tennessee.  I like foul weather but not when I need to be on the road with the bike.  Oh well.  Is what it is..


  1. I am jealous with all the rain you are getting. We are so dry here in Southern CA and the heat is really hot. The idiot weather people are predicting aroung 112 for today and even higher for the weekend and next week. Death Valley will reach an all time high of 138. What I wouldn't give for thunder and rain... Have a good trip if the rain will subside. Anne

  2. It sure is wet,messing up my fishing,I like the small rivers and bigger creeks. They have been so high and fast it is difficult and dangerous for one man to fish. But the damn grass keeps growing.


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